
Occupational Safety and Health

Policy and Basic Concept

Â鶹¹û¶³´«Ã½ has established the Â鶹¹û¶³´«Ã½ Network Companies (ENW) Safety & Health Policies based on the fundamental principle of undertaking corporate activities with respect for human dignity, and placing the highest priority on safety and health. The policies stipulate seven safety and health guidelines, and we prepare annual policies and plans in accordance with these guidelines. Sharing the fundamental principle among all employees, we carry out activities to secure safety and health with the aim of realizing a workplace which will not hurt or cause sickness to anyone.

Â鶹¹û¶³´«Ã½ Network Companies (ENW) Safety & Health Policies

Revised on May 26, 2022

Fundamental Safety & Health Policy

Â鶹¹û¶³´«Ã½ and its Group companies (hereafter ENW) place safety and health as a top priority and promote business operations respecting human life and dignity that support a work-life balance.

Safety & Health Guidelines

  1. ENW places safety and health as a top priority in all business operations and continuously pursues a policy of no accidents, injuries ordisasters.
  2. ENW prevents recurrence of occupational accidents and accidents by grasping their occurrence status based on the common standards of ENW, sharing information on causes, corrective measures, recurrence prevention measures, and other efforts, and leveraging them.
  3. ENW places safety and health as a top priority at all stages of corporate activities from research and development, production, distribution, sales to product usage and disposal.
  4. ENW constructs and operates a safety and health management system (including infection) and promotes this in all operations.
  5. ENW complies with all applicable laws, regulations and agreements concerning safety and health, and each Group company implements voluntary standards that exceed the minimum standards set forth in the applicable laws, regulations and agreements.
  6. ENW actively introduces advanced technology to be at the forefront of safety technology.
  7. ENW shares the fundamental safety and health policy, and implements educational training to strengthen specialties at each workplace progressively and continuously.
  8. ENW actively discloses information on policies, objectives, programs and results concerning safety and health.

Targets, Issues and Actions

(FY2022 Â鶹¹û¶³´«Ã½ Group)

Preparing a suitable working environment and healthcare support to assist self-actualization

Undertaking corporate activities with respect for human dignity and placing the highest priority on safety and health.

Realizing a workplace which will not hurt or cause sickness to anyone

  • 1.
    Achieving Zero-Sai (Zero occupational accidents)
  • 2.
    Preventing the spread of COVID-19 infection
  • 3.
    Maintaining and promoting the physical and mental health of employees
  • 1.
    Preventing the occurrence of occupational accidents among employees with less than three years of experience, who account for more than half of the total number of occupational accidents
  • 2.
    Preventing the spread of COVID-19 infection
  • 3.
    Maintaining the physical and mental health of employees due to changes in the environment, such as an increase in working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic
  • 1.
    Enhancing health and safety education and training to eliminate unsafe conditions and unsafe behavior
  • 2.
    Continuing efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection
  • 3.
    Promoting health checkups, promoting the use of consultation services, continuing effort to correct long working hours and encourage employees to take paid leave and using the stress check system, etc.

Number of work-related accidents: 53

Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR), more than 1 day* (per million hours of actual work) : 0.63

Number of work-related fatalities: 0

  • *
    Â鶹¹û¶³´«Ã½ Group Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (per million hours of actual work) = Number of casualties resulting from occupational and traffic accidents (absence of 1 day or more) ÷ Total working hours × 1,000,000

Main efforts

Efforts toward "Zero-Sai (Zero occupational accidents)"
In addition to the preparation of operational manuals and the acquisition of skills and knowledge by employees, we will globally share and utilize information on the causes, countermeasures, and recurrence prevention measures regarding occupational accidents and incidents, and promote "Zero-Sai". We will also enhance health and safety education and training to enable employees to act based on the principle of protecting themselves by inheriting the know-how and past failures at each site and strive to eliminate unsafe conditions and unsafe behavior.

Efforts to prevent of the spread of COVID-19 infection
We will continue efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection, such as providing health and safety information and reforming the work environment in offices and workplaces according to the infection situation. In the event of an infected employee, we will work to prevent the spread of infection in accordance with the procedure manual and prevent clusters from occurring within the company.

Commitment to employees' mental and physical health
We will work to maintain and promote the physical and mental health of employees in cooperation with medical staff, by promoting the use of consultation services, etc., while giving due consideration to the wishes of employees. In addition, we will continue our efforts to correct long working hours and encourage employees to take paid leave, while preventing mental health problems by using the stress check system to ascertain the extent of stress. In particular, we will pay attention to maintaining the physical and mental health of employees due to changes in the environment, such as an increase in working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Management of chemical substances
We will strengthen the management of chemical substances based on risk assessment from the perspective of compliance with laws and regulations concerning the handling of chemical substances and the protection of workers.

Compliance with laws and regulationsIn compliance with laws and regulations to prevent occupational accidents and incidents, we will strive to eliminate unsafe conditions and unsafe behaviors in the workplace. At business sites that have an occupational health and safety management system (OHSAS), we will make effective use of such management system.

Structures and Systems

Structure to promote Occupational Health and Safety management


Under the Industrial Safety and Health Act, committees have been established at each of Â鶹¹û¶³´«Ã½’s offices in Japan with 50 employees or more. In the committees, periodic discussions on occupational safety and health are held with labor union representatives. Furthermore, the company-wide Environment and Safety Committee has been established to eliminate operational accidents throughout the entire company and set annual plans to further improve the quality of activities and monitor the occurrence of operational accidents and injuries on a quarterly basis, confirm the results and issues of initiatives, and share globally and utilize the information to prevent a similar accidents from recurring in the future.

Similarly, major research and production facilities of the Â鶹¹û¶³´«Ã½ Group both in and outside Japan have established occupational safety and health management systems and are undertaking relevant activities. These sites and facilities are striving to raise the level of occupational safety and health by appropriately operating their respective management systems and by voluntarily and continually going through the PDCA* cycle. Furthermore, risk assessments are not only carried out on new facilities and buildings, but based on the Industrial Safety and Health Act amendment in May 2022, are also carried out on positions which involve the handling of chemical substances. In cooperation with industrial physicians and health insurance associations, Â鶹¹û¶³´«Ã½ also engages in efforts to help its employees stay in good health and grow even healthier, both physically and mentally.

  • *
    A method for continually improving management operations by repeating the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle.


   Fiscal 2022
Number of work-related accidents (lost time injuries, traffic accidents) Japan*1 11*5
Â鶹¹û¶³´«Ã½ Group*2 ☑53*5
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR), more than 4 day*3 Employee Japan*1 0*5
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR), more than 1 day*4 Employee Â鶹¹û¶³´«Ã½ Group*2 ☑0.63*5
Number of work-related fatalities Employee Japan*1 0*5
Employee Â鶹¹û¶³´«Ã½ Group*2 0*5
  • *1
    Excluding domestic group companies
  • *2
    Â鶹¹û¶³´«Ã½ Co., Ltd. and Group companies in and outside Japan
  • *3
    Â鶹¹û¶³´«Ã½ Co., Ltd. Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate = Number of casualties resulting from occupational and traffic accidents (absence of 4 day or more) ÷ Total working hours × 1,000,000
  • *4
    Â鶹¹û¶³´«Ã½ Group Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate = Number of casualties resulting from occupational and traffic accidents (absence of 1 day or more) ÷ Total working hours × 1,000,000
  • *5
    These figures cover employees, part-time workers, and temporary workers.
  • ☑
    This information is guaranteed by SGS Japan Inc.